Clinton Area Little League

2024 Volunteer Registration



Thank you for requesting consideration to volunteer for the upcoming 2024 Spring CALL, CYS & BR Seasons! 


Little League International requires all leagues and districts in the United States to conduct an annual background check, including a nationwide criminal search, a search of the National Sex Offender Registry, review of the U.S. Center for SafeSport Centralized Disciplinary Database and Little League International Ineligible List.  A backround check is required for all volunteers, including coaches, team parent helpers, press box and concession stand helpers, and any other capacity that requires direct engagement with participants within the league.


The local league must verify the volunteer’s application with a government-issued photo ID. This allows the league official to verify the information on the volunteer application (name, DOB, and address) is correct.  


Once a background check has been conducted on a potential volunteer, the designated league official must review the results of the background check. If there is a charge on the potential volunteer, it will be indicated by a red flag on the platform. The local league must first determine if this charge is permitted by Little League Regulation to determine if this individual is fit to participate in any manner in the league.


The following offenses prohibit an individual from participating:

  • Any charge, conviction, no contest plea or guilty plea, or admission to any crime involving or against a minor.
  • An individual is listed on either of the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s Centralized Disciplinary Database and/or Little League International Ineligible List.
  • NOTE: If an individual involved with a league, or any activity of the Little League program, is under investigation for any type of child abuse, or has a pending charge against, or involving, a minor, they must be suspended until the outcome of the investigation or pending charges are complete and the allegations are resolved.